Internet Tip - Removing Those Pesky >>>>'s

Written by Maria Marsala

Do you receive notes that appear to contain a zillion >>>>? These pesky signs are called "angle brackets" andrepparttar "greater than sign." Each angle bracket that appears atrepparttar 119026 front of a line of text denotesrepparttar 119027 number of times that message has been fowarded prior to it arriving in your mailbox. Below are three ways you can remove these pesky signs from an email:

Copyrepparttar 119028 email into a word document program (such as Word). Then hit edit, then replace. Inrepparttar 119029 find area ofrepparttar 119030 format, put a > and leaverepparttar 119031 replace area blank. Then hite replace all. Works like a charm.

Script Kiddies - Vermin of the 'net

Written by Michael Bloch

....well, a close tie with Pyramid scheme pushers

My prompting for writing this article is occurring right this moment. My personal firewall software has thrown up a dialog box stating that someone is probing port 27374 on my computer. ...again ..... this isrepparttar eighth time today.

This is not a technical document, but serves as an alert torepparttar 119025 new surfer andrepparttar 119026 unaware. I will leaverepparttar 119027 technical aspects torepparttar 119028 more expert writers among us.

Hackers seem to have gained a fairly respectful reputation in society these days, mainly due to glorification byrepparttar 119029 media. This article is not aboutrepparttar 119030 true hackers, but about their wannabe counterparts -repparttar 119031 Script Kiddies.

A Script Kiddie is someone who is "socially challenged" and has very little respect forrepparttar 119032 privacy of others. They utilise freely available software, which is easy to use, to scan networks inrepparttar 119033 hope of finding a computer that is compromised enough to allow them to have some fun.

Fun includes crashing your machine, openingrepparttar 119034 CD-ROM tray, controlling your mouse, stealing your files or other "really cool" activities such as stealing your PWD (password) file for cracking later on. Script Kiddies gain this type of control through utilising Trojan programs that have been installed on your computer by other means (usually by executing unscanned infected email attachments or software downloads). The Trojan broadcasts it's presence torepparttar 119035 world, so asrepparttar 119036 Script Kiddie sits back and picks his nose, or engages in other such habits,repparttar 119037 port probing program he is running detects any suitable Trojan, makes a connection and he's in.......akin to home invasion.

These Trojan programs take up residence on certain ports on your computer. And here'srepparttar 119038 scary bit. There are approximately 65 000 ports on your PC. Each Trojan has its "favorite" port, so that makesrepparttar 119039 Script Kiddie's cushy job even easier. Since installing my firewall a month ago, I have had notifications that these particular ports have been probed over 300 times.

Script Kiddies can get a little more creative with their attacks, but mostly it is random opportunist vandalism and theft. And these are considered punishable crimes in many countries. The act of port probing is considered by most ISP's to be hacking.

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